Tuesday 18 December 2012

The last blog from AGU 2012 (better late than never)!

By Wednesday I was suffering a little from mid week saturation, as there are only a certain number of science presentations that one can take in in a day. Below shows the poster display along with one from BGS in a special session on education in geosciences, where we are producing a digital set of 3Dfossil images with other archives and museums in the UK.

Data and dealing with lots of it, is a big problem that underpins many sessions here. Increasing demand for open data and the ability to mash-up diverse data sets and create new environmental research areas and services is an important part of the mix here. The UK is a leader with its virtual environment observatory concept.  Unifying management protocols and making data transferable, although perhaps not the exciting end of science delivery, is one of the most important aspects of science showcased by BGS here.

I also spent some time in a session on Tsunami where BGS made a number of presentations and where there was a focus on the March 2011 Tohoku-oki tsunami in Japan and how we can learn from this event and plan for future events. We are well respected for our specialist geological role in understanding the geomorphology and sedimentology of these events.

I also attended the honours banquet where senior and mid career scientist are recognised for their contributions to our science. It is always good to celebrate success and this sort of recognition is important for academics who generally work extremely hard and are not as highly paid as industry counterparts.

Our staff have given 48 science presentations which is an excellent showing for BGS at AGU and underpins our increasingly robust role in earth and environmental science.

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